The following information was adapted from Focus on Early Childhood Mental Health, Take Care of Yourself! Updated March 2024.

Families and others who care for children often experience significant stress, whether it’s the everyday stress of being responsible for many things at once (job, family, multiple children, household chores, etc.), seasonal stress (holidays, winter blues), or significant stress due to family crises, military deployment, financial problems, etc. 

Every day, families are faced with challenges. We may be caring for a child full-time without assistance or support from childcare, family members, or friends. We may be juggling caring for our child while working full-time. We may feel as if we don’t have one minute to ourselves and may feel overwhelmed, tired, or frustrated. All of these feelings are very normal!

While we know some stress is a normal part of being human and even healthy, we also know that when families and caregivers experience a lot of stress, it hurts the children in their care. Parental and caregiver stress levels can cause immediate behavior problems as well as longer-term mental health issues, so taking care of ourselves and managing stress is very important.

Symptoms of excessive stress may include:
  • Memory problems and inability to concentrate
  • Feelings of being overwhelmed with daily tasks
  • Extreme irritability
  • Frequent colds or other illnesses, including nausea and headaches
  • Inability to relax and difficulty sleeping
  • Alcohol and substance, overeating, loss of appetite


  • Identify the specific things that cause the most stress so you are prepared to handle it when it comes.
  • Be aware of and try to change unhelpful ways of thinking, such as either-or thinking, overgeneralizing, jumping to conclusions, catastrophizing (thinking the worst), or blaming yourself.
  • Maintain your physical health by eating well, drinking water, and exercising regularly.
  • Make time to relax by doing something you enjoy, such as taking a bath, reading, or walking (build it into your schedule and be intentional!).
  • Stick to routines with children for nap time, mealtime, etc.
  • Learn techniques for staying calm; breathe deeply. Try some tips for being mindful from the featured article of A Parent’s Mind Matters (June 2019).
  • Connect with support groups in your community or find online groups of those with similar interests or situations.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help! Ask for help from other family members and maintain friendships. The Pennsylvania Family Support Alliance (PFSA) works with local family support programs to provide parent education and support in several settings. Visit their website for a list of programs affiliated with PFSA. You can contact the programs directly to learn about their specific programs. 


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