May 12, 2023| Uncategorized| papromisewebsite
May 10, 2023| Family Stories, Teacher Appreciation, Uncategorized| papromisewebsite
April 30, 2021| Family Stories, Provider Stories, Uncategorized, What's New| papromisewebsite
March 22, 2021| Family Stories, Uncategorized| papromisewebsite
March 17, 2021| Family Stories, Uncategorized| papromisewebsite
March 16, 2021| Family Stories, Uncategorized| papromisewebsite
March 11, 2021| Family Stories, Uncategorized| papromisewebsite
March 9, 2021| Family Stories, Uncategorized| papromisewebsite
March 3, 2021| Family Stories, Uncategorized| papromisewebsite
March 2, 2021| Provider Stories, Uncategorized| papromisewebsite
Pennsylvania’s Promise for Children, known as PA Promise, is a campaign to help families make good choices about their child’s early learning and choose quality early learning programs that are right for their family. The Pennsylvania Office of Early Learning and Development (OCDEL) is the primary partner in PA Promise.
Call Pennsylvania’s CONNECT Helpline at 1-800-692-7288 for information about your child’s development and connecting to Early Intervention services in Pennsylvania.
Call Child Care Works Helpline at 1-877-4-PA-KIDS (1-877-472-5437) for information about finding, paying for and other concerns related to child care.