Developmental Milestones Checklist: What Changes Should You Expect as Your Child Grows?
Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL)
This checklist compiled by Pennsylvania’s Early Intervention Services provides a checklist of skills for each developmental stage from birth to five years.
What is a Developmental Delay?
Center for Parent Information and Resources, U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs
This fact sheet walks through the definition of a developmental delay, offers “things to know” about the support system available and links to additional resources.
What is Typical for Language and Speech Development?
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
This resource provides not only charts of developmental milestones specific to speech and language, but also information about reading and writing development, early detection of disorders, and what to expect if teaching your child more than one language.
I Am Two
PA’s Promise for Children
This one-page printable graphic from PA’s Promise for Children helps remind families and teachers that each child learns skills at his or her own pace.
Potty Training Tips
PA’s Promise for Children
How do you know if your child is ready for potty training? Get these tips from PA’s Promise for Children to help your child make the transition from diapers to the potty.