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My name is Wenxi Schwab, and I reside in Pennsylvania. I play an active role in various family engagement initiatives at the local, state, and national levels. Specifically, I serve as a member of the state advisory committee on early learning and care, a position appointed by the governor, and I am also a proud member of the Family Committee within the Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children.

My journey as a family leader began with a desire to enhance my parenting skills, and I engaged deeply with our family home visitor. I was eager to learn effective parenting strategies, so I took the initiative to sign up for a parent training opportunity offered through the Parent As Teachers Curriculum website. This marked my first foray into parent leadership training. During this transformative experience, I acquired invaluable insights into communication strategies, community engagement, parent-school collaboration, restorative justice, community asset mapping, and professional advocacy and leadership skills. This training was a truly eye-opening opportunity for me.

Subsequently, I explored other parent leadership training opportunities, such as the C2P2 EI program and the C2P2 program at Temple University. These experiences solidified my commitment to becoming a parent leader and using my voice to effect change through various platforms.

(During the past few years, I have graduated from Family Leadership Learning Community training, C2P2 EI program, and C2P2 program from Temple University.)

My journey as a parent leader has been profoundly transformative. Not only have I gained a deep understanding of community resources and the workings of numerous non-profit organizations at local, state, and national levels, but I have also developed the confidence and competence to advocate effectively for my family’s needs. I no longer feel shy, timid, or powerless in making my voice heard. This journey has illuminated the fact that many other families share my experiences, concerns, and dreams for their children, yet they lack the means or knowledge to make their voices heard. The community of family leaders has shown me that I am not alone in this journey. I stand as a representative of a collective of families who share my story.

It is imperative that we continue to advocate for services to collaborate and coordinate in support of building protective factors for families. The families and local communities I am connected to have greatly benefited from the knowledge, skills, and information I have acquired through my involvement in advisory committees at various levels. I am forever grateful for the training opportunities, the learning experiences, and the bonds formed within the parent and professional community as I pursued my journey as a parent leader. I am dedicated to pushing forward with my advocacy efforts, with the hope that, collectively, we can effect positive and transformative changes within the system.

In closing, my mission is not just my own; I represent a collective of families who are united in our desire for change. Together, we aim to make a positive and transformative impact on the system.

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