As a working parent, it is hard to leave your kiddos in the care of others. But the day I met Ms. Nell, a teacher in the 3-5 year old room at Indi Kids, my fears were quickly alleviated.
At almost 80 years old, Ms. Nell has cared for, taught, and loved numerous children throughout the years. The biggest reason why we love her though goes far beyond the day to day of a typical school day.
As a parent of a mixed race child, Ms. Nell was there to teach me about skin care and hair care for our oldest daughter, Elizabeth.
When our son James was going through his rough patch at school, she would put her arms around me and say, “You signed up for this but you don’t have to do it alone.”
When we took on a third child (3 in 2 years) she said, “You got this.” On random days, she’ll put her arm around you and say, “I prayed for you last night. I just want you to know that.”
She makes not just the kids but the parents feel loved too. When I talk to other parents, they all have the same kind of stories – she makes us all feel like we are special.
When we became frustrated with a behavior from one of our kids, she helped us find ways to change the behavior. For instance, in the morning when James would cry and lash out, she would take his hand, sit him down and read him his favorite book. She’d look at me, wave me away and say, “I got this, Mom.” and then she’d call 30 minutes later with an update, “He’s fine. He’s eating his breakfast, laughing and is in a great mood.”
When they say it takes a village, Ms. Nell is the head of said village.
Stephanie R., mom of Elizabeth and James