Check out these tips from the Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) to keep your child and family healthy this winter season.

Prevent the flu and other illnesses at home by washing hands, staying home when sick, and covering your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing. (CDC)

Learn about RSV and how to prevent it. (HealthyChildren.org)

Stay active during the colder months with indoor and outdoor activities. (American Heart Association)

Take steps to maintain your mental health, like getting outside and exercising, keeping up healthy eating and sleep habits, having a support system and staying connected, and practicing mindfulness and meditating. (Lifespan)

Help children grow strong with good nutrition. (CDC)

Check the expiration date and batteries of smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in the home. Replace as necessary. (National Fire Protection Association) If you don’t have at least one fire extinguisher in your home, consider adding one!

What to do when your child is sick.
- Know the signs and symptoms of fever. (HealthyChildren.org)
- Contact your child’s health care provider with concerns about your child’s illness.
- Keep your child home from school, child care, and playdates when they have symptoms that could be contagious.
Click here to print the flyer, Staying Healthy During the Winter Season for Families in English. Also available in Spanish.
Click here to print the flyer, Staying Healthy During the Winter Season for Early Learning Professionals in English. Also available in Spanish.