Early Learning Materials
The Office of Child Development and Early Learning, in partnership with PA’s Promise for Children
A list of early learning materials from PA’s Promise for Children you can view online, or print for you own use. These materials contain activities to do with your child to help them learn. All of the activities align with the Pennsylvania Early Learning Standards.
Learning is Everywhere
PA Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL)
Help your child learn with everyday activities to do with your child using every day items. Activities are for children birth to Kindergarten. Available in English and Spanish.
Every Day I Learn Through Play
PA Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL)
Dozens of activities that can engage your child during daily routines such as meals and bath time are shared through this printable calendar. Activities for infants and toddlers that are linked to PA’s learning standards for early childhood.
Building Blocks for Babies
PA Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL)
Building Blocks for Babies is designed around the key learning areas in Pennsylvania’s learning standards for early childhood. It helps build skills in the areas of social, emotional, physical and academic development.
When I Play, I Learn
PA Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL)
When I Play, I Learn has fun activities using every day items, like a towel, measuring cups, a box, or a blanket. See what activities your child, birth to Kindergarten, can do and what skills they are learning. Then see how you can help!
Sparking Children's Imagination & Creativity
PA’s Promise for Children
Looking for a way to encourage and support your child’s creativity and imagination? Try these tips from PA’s Promise for Children.
Power Kids: Pennsylvania's Electronic Library
- BookFlix: Watch videos and read books
- CyberSmarts: Learn how to be a safe, responsible and smart citizen with eBooks
- TrueFlix: Learn about people, places, nature, history and science from videos and eBooks
- Chat with a Librarian
Practice Guides for Parents
Center for Early Literacy Learning (CELL)
To be used by parents to provide their infants, toddlers, or preschoolers fun and exciting literacy learning experiences and opportunities.
Activities to Encourage Speech and Language Development
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
This resource provides a list of activity ideas by age that specifically encourage speech and language skills.
Learn and Grow
PBS Kids
Search activity ideas by category: art, creative thinking and problem solving, math, life skills, music, science and health, social and emotional development, and others.
What Should Your Child be Learning as an Infant or Toddler?
PA Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL)
Pennsylvania divides Infant-Toddler learning standards into three age levels: birth through 12 months, 9 months – 27 months and 24 months – 36 months. Learn what skills should be taught during the appropriate stages.
Children's Book Recommendations
PA’s Promise for Children
Need a good book to read with your child? PA’s Promise for Children has lots of book lists with books recommended by families, friends, librarians, teachers and more!
Engaging STEM Activity Using Plastic Lids
PA’s Promise for Children
A Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) activities for preschoolers that’s great for vocabulary building, engaging conversations and discovery of new materials.
Helping Children Learn Math Skills
PA’s Promise for Children
Did you know that babies, toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergartners can start learning mathematical concepts before they even know what numbers are? Start your child on a life-long path of math by trying these activities.
Early Learning: Talk, Read, and Sing Together Every Day!
U.S. Department of Education
Tip sheets on fostering health social and emotional development for families and early childhood professionals. There is also a milestones document, a summary of research and a poster about talking about feelings. All but the poster are also available in Spanish.
State Parks and Forests Offer Abundance of Activities During Winter
Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR)
Many don’t think about spending time outdoors in winter due to the colder temperatures; but with proper clothing and other safety precautions, there are plenty of benefits to spending some time outdoors during winter. The winter season provides opportunities for activities that cannot be enjoyed year-round. Take advantage of some of these unique outdoor recreation opportunities.