Would you like early learning materials with fun activities to help your child learn? We have it!
PA’s Promise has available several early learning materials you can view online, or print for you own use. These materials contain activities to do with your child to help them learn. All of the activities align with the Pennsylvania Early Learning Standards.
Check out these fun resources!
For Families with Children Ages Birth to Kindergarten
Learning Is Everywhere Calendar: Help your child (birth to Kindergarten) learn with everyday activities to do with your child using every day items. Check out different themed early learning activities. Available are monthly lists of book recommendations that match the theme. Available in English and Spanish. You can also subscribe to the monthly Learning is Everywhere newsletter.
When I Play, I Learn: Fun activities using every day items, like a towel, measuring cups, a box, or a blanket. See what activities your child (birth to Kindergarten) can do and what skills they are learning. Then see how you can help!
Building Blocks for Babies: Designed around the key learning areas in Pennsylvania’s learning standards for early childhood, it helps build skills in the areas of social, emotional, physical and academic development for babies.
Every Day I Learn Through Play: Dozens of activities that can engage your child during daily routines, like meals and bath time, for infants and toddlers. Available in English and Spanish.
For Families with Preschool Age Children
Recipes for Readiness: Provides family-friendly activities to help develop skills that kindergarten teachers look for as children enter their classrooms. Activities are designed for children age three to five and are aligned to Pennsylvania’s learning standards for early childhood. Available in English and Spanish.
Kindergarten, Here I Come!: An activity guide that helps you prepare your child for Kindergarten. Available in English and Spanish. You can also subscribe to the monthly Kindergarten, Here I Come newsletter.
For Families with Kindergarten Age Children
Kindergarten, Here I Am!: An Activity Guide to inspire skill building and engagement at home, building on what your child is learning in kindergarten. Available in English and Spanish. You can also subscribe to the monthly Kindergarten Here I Am newsletter.
If you would like hard copies of any of the early learning materials, please send the following to Mary at marhal@pakeys.org:
- The name of the material and the amount you would like of each.
- Your contact information, including a mailing address.
Materials are available to Pennsylvania residents and businesses at no cost.