Welcome to the Early Learning GPS Preschool Quiz!
Answer the following questions to get information about your preschooler’s brain, development and learning. There are no wrong answers! Responses are not stored, so chose the response that best fits your situation.
When you complete the quiz, you can access resources to help you as a parent or caregiver to your preschooler.
1. How much of a baby's brain will be developed by age of five?
When a baby is first born, his brain is already about 25% the size it will be when he grows up.
By age five, 90% of your preschooler’s brain and brain connections are developed! Thousands of connections that build language, math and social skills for life.
Why does this matter? Because the connections made in your preschooler’s brain before age five set the foundation for all his learning as he grows up and become an adult. After age five, new brain connections are harder to make.
You can support your preschooler’s healthy brain development by:
• Providing healthy foods
• Building a strong bond with your child
• Talking and reading to your child from birth
• Choosing a person or program that can care for your child as you would and help your child learn and grow.
When a child is born, their brain is only 25% developed, but it’s still growing! By the time a child is five years old, 90% of their brain is developed.
Why does this matter? Because the connections made in your preschooler’s brain before age five set the foundation for all his learning as he grows up and become an adult. After age five, new brain connections are harder to make.
You can support your preschooler’s healthy brain development by:
• Providing healthy foods
• Building a strong bond with your child
• Talking and reading to your child from birth
• Choosing a person or program that can care for your child as you would and help your child learn and grow.
Actually 90% of a child’s brain develops by age 5.
Why does this matter? Because the connections made in your preschooler’s brain before age five set the foundation for all his learning as he grows up and become an adult. After age five, new brain connections are harder to make.
You can support your preschooler’s healthy brain development by:
• Providing healthy foods
• Building a strong bond with your child
• Talking and reading to your child from birth
• Choosing a person or program that can care for your child as you would and help your child learn and grow.
You’re right! By the time a child is five years old, 90% of their brain is developed.
Why does this matter? Because the connections made in your preschooler’s brain before age five set the foundation for all his learning as he grows up and become an adult. After age five, new brain connections are harder to make.
You can support your preschooler’s healthy brain development by:
• Providing healthy foods
• Building a strong bond with your child
• Talking and reading to your child from birth
• Choosing a person or program that can care for your child as you would and help your child learn and grow.
2. Babies begin to learn when...
Actually, babies begin learning as soon as they’re born!
Even newborns are taking in everything around them and those experiences are affecting how their brains develop.
Actually, babies begin to learn before they are born!
You can help your preschooler continue building those important brain connections by talking, reading and playing with her.
Most babies begin babbling at 3-6 months. In order for your baby to babble, your baby started learning and building brain connections in the womb!
Even newborns are taking in everything around them and those experiences affect how their brains develop.
Talking, reading and playing with her is helping your preschooler continue building those important brain connections.
You’re right!
Babies’ brains are learning and building important brain connections in the womb. This is a great fact to share with your friends and family who are expecting or have young children as well.
Even newborns are taking in everything around them and those experiences are affecting how their brains develop.
You can help your preschooler continue building those important brain connections by talking, reading and playing with her.
3. When your child turns five years old, you would expect them to:
Typically, a child can identify only 10 letters of the alphabet between 3 and 4 years old. If a child is still only knows 10 letters by 5 years old, there may be a delay in the child’s development. If a child has any loss of speech, babbling or social skills at any age, they may be at risk for an autism spectrum disorder.
By five years old, a child typically can write their first name. We say typical because all children follow the same path, called milestones, but each develops at their own pace.
Check out the Development Milestones List. There are milestones every six months for preschoolers.
Share these milestones with your child’s doctor, teacher and others in your child’s life. If you feel that your child is not meeting some milestones, talk together about what to do next. You may also call the CONNECT helpline for information on local supports and resources at 1-800-692-7288.
You are correct!
By five years old, a child typically can write their first name. We say typical because all children follow the same path, called milestones, but each develops at their own pace.
Check out the Development Milestones List. There are milestones every six months for preschoolers.
Share these milestones with your child’s doctor, teacher and others in your child’s life. If you feel that your child is not meeting some milestones, talk together about what to do next. You may also call the CONNECT helpline for information on local supports and resources at 1-800-692-7288.
Typically, a child can spell common, frequently used words correctly by 6 years old, so this would be a bit advanced for a 5 year old.
By five years old, a child typically can write their first name. We say typical because all children follow the same path, called milestones, but each develops at their own pace.
Check out the Development Milestones List. There are milestones every six months for preschoolers.
Share these milestones with your child’s doctor, teacher and others in your child’s life. If you feel that your child is not meeting some milestones, talk together about what to do next. You may also call the CONNECT helpline for information on local supports and resources at 1-800-692-7288.
Young children develop so quickly, it can be confusing.
By five years old, a child typically can write their first name. We say typical because all children follow the same path, called milestones, but each develops at their own pace.
Check out the Development Milestones List. There are milestones every six months for preschoolers.
Share these milestones with your child’s doctor, teacher and others in your child’s life. If you feel that your child is not meeting some milestones, talk together about what to do next. You may also call the CONNECT helpline for information on local supports and resources at 1-800-692-7288.
4. You notice that your friend's child, who is four years old (same age as your child), can count to 10, but yours cannot. What do you do?
A four-year old can typically count to 10, but it’s okay if your child can’t do it. All children develop at their own pace. No two children are at the exact same stage in their development. A child may sprint ahead on one skill, but be behind on another skill. What really matters is how you help your child develop to the best of their abilities.
Take a look at the Developmental Milestones List. Your child meets a milestone if she can do two or more things in the category.
Share these milestones with your child’s doctor, teacher, and others close to your child. Do they feel your child is meeting these milestones? If not, talk about what you can do next to support your child. You may also call the CONNECT helpline at 1-800-692-7288 for resources like developmental screening and early intervention services.
Children learn by doing. Use numbers in everyday conversations and play number games to help build those skills. Visit Learning is Everywhere for great every day activities that can build all her skills. Each activity is based on Pennsylvania’s early learning standards. So while you are having fun, you are also helping your child grow!
Helping your child reach their abilities is the way to go! A four-year old can typically count to 10, but it’s okay if your child can’t do it. All children develop at their own pace. No two children are at the exact same stage in their development. A child may sprint ahead on one skill, but be behind on another skill.
Take a look at the Developmental Milestones List. Your child meets a milestone if she can do two or more things in the category.
Share these milestones with your child’s doctor, teacher, and others close to your child. Do they feel your child is meeting these milestones? If not, talk about what you can do next to support your child. You may also call the CONNECT helpline at 1-800-692-7288 for resources like developmental screening and early intervention services.
Children learn by doing. Use numbers in everyday conversations and play number games to help build those skills. Visit Learning is Everywhere for great every day activities that can build all her skills. Each activity is based on Pennsylvania’s early learning standards. So while you are having fun, you are also helping your child grow!
Children learn by doing, so using more numbers with your child will help them build those skills. You also want to get a full picture of how your child is meeting other milestones.
A four-year old can typically count to 10, but it’s okay if your child can’t do it. All children develop at their own pace. No two children are at the exact same stage in their development. A child may sprint ahead on one skill, but be behind on another skill. What really matters is how you help your child develop to the best of their abilities.
Take a look at the Developmental Milestones List. Your child meets a milestone if she can do two or more things in the category.
Share these milestones with your child’s doctor, teacher, and others close to your child. Do they feel your child is meeting these milestones? If not, talk about what you can do next to support your child. You may also call the CONNECT helpline at 1-800-692-7288 for resources like developmental screening and early intervention services.
Children learn by doing. Use numbers in everyday conversations and play number games to help build those skills. Visit Learning is Everywhere for great every day activities that can build all her skills. Each activity is based on Pennsylvania’s early learning standards. So while you are having fun, you are also helping your child grow!
Your child’s pediatrician is a great person to talk to about your child’s development and meeting milestones. But it’s okay if your child can’t count to 10 at four years old even though it’s a typical milestone. All children develop at their own pace. No two children are at the exact same stage in their development. A child may sprint ahead on one skill, but be behind on another skill. What really matters is how you help your child develop to the best of their abilities.
Take a look at the Developmental Milestones List. Your child meets a milestone if she can do two or more things in the category.
Share these milestones with your child’s doctor, teacher, and others close to your child. Do they feel your child is meeting these milestones? If not, talk about what you can do next to support your child. You may also call the CONNECT helpline at 1-800-692-7288 for resources like developmental screening and early intervention services.
Children learn by doing. Use numbers in everyday conversations and play number games to help build those skills. Visit Learning is Everywhere for great every day activities that can build all her skills. Each activity is based on Pennsylvania’s early learning standards. So while you are having fun, you are also helping your child grow!
5. When your child starts to throw a tantrum, you usually:
When you try to figure out what your child is trying to tell you and address it, you teach your child that he matters and can trust you to take care of them. Your love for your child and the bond you build together is as important to your child’s development as food or sleep.
Children can throw tantrums for many reasons: fear of a new situation; being tired, bored or not feeling well; a change in schedule; frustration of not being understood; or anger from not getting what they want.
Your preschooler is starting to understand his feelings and be able to tell you about them. Your child is also starting to test his independence.
Don’t worry about being a perfect parent, because it doesn’t exist! Tantrums are part of a young child’s development. Do your best and realize you may not always know what your child wants.
If you can figure out why a child is upset early enough, you may be able stop the tantrum from starting.
• Watch for things that trigger a tantrum. Try to calm him down and redirect their attention to another activity.
• Tell your child that you recognize his feelings so he feels that he is being heard. “You seem really angry,” shows your child you are paying attention and helps your child understand his own feelings. Ask open-ended questions to find out why your child is angry, This helps him tell you how he feels instead of acting out.
Once your child is in a tantrum, make sure he is safe, remain calm, and ride it out.
To help build a strong bond with your child:
• Understand your child’s temperament to see why your child reacts differently than you do. Is he easygoing, feisty, or slow to warm to new things?
• Pay attention to what your child is saying and doing and be consistent when you respond to him. When they are excited, show you are excited too! Show you are pleased when they show good behavior.
• Have fun together! Play games, read a book, or take a walk.
If your child is in the full throws of a tantrum, making sure he is safe while you ride it out is the best option. Children can throw tantrums for many reasons: fear of a new situation; being tired, bored or not feeling well; a change in schedule; frustration of not being understood; or anger from not getting what they want.
Your preschooler is starting to understand his feelings and be able to tell you about them. Your child is also starting to test his independence.
Don’t worry about being a perfect parent, because it doesn’t exist! Tantrums are part of a young child’s development. Do your best and realize you may not always know what your child wants.
If you can figure out why a child is upset early enough, you may be able stop the tantrum from starting.
• Watch for things that trigger a tantrum. Try to calm him down and redirect their attention to another activity.
• Tell your child that you recognize his feelings so he feels that he is being heard. “You seem really angry,” shows your child you are paying attention and helps your child understand his own feelings. Ask open-ended questions to find out why your child is angry, This helps him tell you how he feels instead of acting out.
Once your child is in a tantrum, make sure he is safe, remain calm, and ride it out.
To help build a strong bond with your child:
• Understand your child’s temperament to see why your child reacts differently than you do. Is he easygoing, feisty, or slow to warm to new things?
• Pay attention to what your child is saying and doing and be consistent when you respond to him. When they are excited, show you are excited too! Show you are pleased when they show good behavior.
• Have fun together! Play games, read a book, or take a walk.
Responding to your child, even if it’s not working, teaches your child that he matters and can trust you to take care of him. Your love for your child and your bond is as important to your child’s development as food or sleep.
Don’t worry about being a perfect parent, because it doesn’t exist! Tantrums are part of a young child’s development. Do your best and realize you may not always know what your child wants.
If you can figure out why a child is upset early enough, you may be able stop the tantrum from starting.
• Watch for things that trigger a tantrum. Try to calm him down and redirect their attention to another activity.
• Tell your child that you recognize his feelings so he feels that he is being heard. “You seem really angry,” shows your child you are paying attention and helps your child understand his own feelings. Ask open-ended questions to find out why your child is angry, This helps him tell you how he feels instead of acting out.
Once your child is in a tantrum, make sure he is safe, remain calm, and ride it out.
To help build a strong bond with your child:
• Understand your child’s temperament to see why your child reacts differently than you do. Is he easygoing, feisty, or slow to warm to new things?
• Pay attention to what your child is saying and doing and be consistent when you respond to him. When they are excited, show you are excited too! Show you are pleased when they show good behavior.
• Have fun together! Play games, read a book, or take a walk.
Your preschooler is starting to understand his feelings and be able to tell you about them. Your child is also starting to test his independence.
Don’t worry about being a perfect parent, because it doesn’t exist! Tantrums are part of a young child’s development. Do your best and realize you may not always know what your child wants.
If you can figure out why a child is upset early enough, you may be able stop the tantrum from starting.
• Watch for things that trigger a tantrum. Try to calm him down and redirect their attention to another activity.
• Tell your child that you recognize his feelings so he feels that he is being heard. “You seem really angry,” shows your child you are paying attention and helps your child understand his own feelings. Ask open-ended questions to find out why your child is angry, This helps him tell you how he feels instead of acting out.
Once your child is in a tantrum, make sure he is safe, remain calm, and ride it out.
To help build a strong bond with your child:
• Understand your child’s temperament to see why your child reacts differently than you do. Is he easygoing, feisty, or slow to warm to new things?
• Pay attention to what your child is saying and doing and be consistent when you respond to him. When they are excited, show you are excited too! Show you are pleased when they show good behavior.
• Have fun together! Play games, read a book, or take a walk.