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A special thank you to Lindsey Brown, Owner of Brown’s Family Child Care in Venango County, who shared the following activity.

Children will develop social skills when working together to create collaborative projects. They will communicate with one another about what the project will look like and they will use problem solving skills when figuring out how to build it.

Materials: Wooden Popsicle® sticks, markers, string, hot glue, wood tray for bottom and bird feed.

Ages: 3 and up.

Directions: Set up all materials and have children color a bunch of popsicle sticks as desired. When finished, glue them all together in the shape of a bird house, glue a string to the top, add birdseed, then hang in a tree.

Standards Aligned: Creative Thinking & Expression 9.1.V PK.E & 9.1.V PK.J.
Social & Emotional Development 16.2 PK.A, 16.2 PK.C, 16.2 PK.E

Pennsylvania’s Learning Standards for Early Childhood are research-based according to age and development, and form the foundation for curriculum, assessment, instruction and intervention within early care and education programs. Learn more.


About the creator of this activity

My name is Lindsey Brown and I own and operate a group home child care program (Browns Family Childcare, LLC) in Venango County where I have a preschool program, a before & after school program, and a summer camp. I am a nature-based program, with a homemade nature-based curriculum approved through Department of Education and aligns with the PA Early Learning Standards. I also work part time as an Early Childhood Education Consultant for Farm to ECE and nature-based activities. 

I’ve been in operation for almost 11 years. I love my job because I get to inspire the love of nature, education, health & wellness into the lives of our youngest learners through hands-on activities, real life experiences and events. Seeing their curiosity spark because of something I’ve provided or taught them keeps me motivated to do more. I’m planting seeds in children that could be helping sprout our future leaders, teachers, gardeners, scientists, botanists, farmers, health advocates and more. Learn about resources from Lindsey Brown’s Nature-based Preschool Curriculum.

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