Making decisions and learning how to solve problems is a big part of a child’s development of social skills! Children need to understand the consequences of their actions and how their actions can affect others. These 4 top tips to help your preschooler develop problem solving skills are available to print in English and Spanish.

4 Ways to Help Your Preschooler Develop Problem-Solving Skills


1. Practice positive problem-solving. Use positive words to resolve conflicts.

2. Include your child in family discussions to help them cooperate with the decision.

3. Monitor your child’s TV, video, or computer choices & talk about what is being seen.

4. Use the IDEAL model of social problem solving.


IDEAL Model of Problem Solving

I: Identify the problem. Stop, calm down, and think.

D: Determine your choices. What can be done?

E: Evaluate your choice. Consider the consequence. 

A: Act on your best choices.

L: Learn from the results of your actions.


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