Child Care Works

PA Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL)

Do you need help with the cost of childcare? Pennsylvania’s child care subsidy program, Child Care Works, may be able to help. Childcare subsidy makes it possible for families who meet financial guidelines to find reliable, quality child care near home or work and provides financial assistance to help families afford it.

Pennsylvania Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)

Pennsylvania CHIP

CHIP covers all uninsured Pennsylvania kids and teens, including routine doctor visits, prescriptions, dental, eye care, and more. Learn more about the program, eligibility, and how to apply.

Home and Community Based Services

Pennsylvania Department of Human Services

Home and Community-Based Services, or Waiver programs, provide support and services beyond those covered by Medicaid, allowing a person to remain at home rather than being admitted to a long-term care facility.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

Pennsylvania Department of Human Services

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program is the new name for the Food Stamp program. Learn about how these benefits are used to help households in Pennsylvania increase their food purchasing power at grocery stores and supermarkets.

National School Lunch Program


The National School Lunch Program is a federally assisted meal program in public and nonprofit private schools and residential childcare institutions. It provides children with nutritionally balanced, low-cost, or free lunches each school day. Learn more about the program.

Social Security’s Program that Helps Children with Disabilities

Social Security Administration

The Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program helps children with physical and/or mental disabilities who have limited income and resources. To qualify for SSI, a child must meet financial limits and specific medical requirements.

Get Heating Assistance – LIHEAP

Pennsylvania Department of Human Services

The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program, also known as LIHEAP, helps families pay their heating bills.

Pennsylvania's Cash Assistance Programs

Pennsylvania Department of Human Services

If you do not have enough money to support yourself or your family, you may be eligible for one of four programs: Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Diversion Program, the State Blind Pension Program or the Refugee Cash Assistance program. Learn more about benefits and eligibility.

Finding Housing Assistance

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

HUD in Pennsylvania offers rental help and home ownership support. Learn more about housing options.

Ending Hunger in PA

Ending Hunger in PA

Find a food pantry near you with Ending Hunger in PA.

Pennsylvania Women, Infants & Children (WIC)

Pennslvania WIC

WIC provides healthy supplemental foods and nutrition services for pregnant women, postpartum and breastfeeding women, infants and children under age five.

Homelessness Resource: Finding Your Way PA

Finding Your Way in PA is a Pennsylvania based mobile and desktop app designed to share services, resources, and information with young people and families, particularly those experiencing homelessness. While using the app, users can search for and request assistance with services and resources in their current location, local communities, and throughout PA to connect them with helpful supports.

Eat Right When Money Is Tight

US Department of Agriculture
Are you struggling with your food budget? Are you looking for ideas for healthy, budget friendly meals and snacks for your family? Take a look at the SNAP-Ed Connection page of resources on the USDA’s webpage, Eat Right When Money’s Tight. It has meal planning and budgeting tips as well as links for food assistance resources in your area. 



FamilyWize can help you save up to 75% on prescription medication by printing a FREE prescription card and showing it to your pharmacist.


GED Testing Service

Create an account, get GED® study materials and take a practice test. Access information on the test, step-by-step guidance, and tips for after you graduate.

PA Adult Education Resources

PA Adult Education Resources

Adult Education Programs funded by Pennsylvania Department of Education.

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