Pennsylvania Nurse Family Partnership (NFP)

Nurse-Family Partnership

NFP is a nurse home visiting program that helps eligible first-time parents learn how to take good care of their babies. Learn more about the program, eligibility and how to apply.

Parent-Child Home Program

Parent-Child Home Program

This home-based early literacy program helps families with infants and toddlers. In two half-hour sessions each week over a two-year period, home visitors teach parents how to read and play with their children, promoting positive parent-child interaction, literacy development, and a language-rich home environment.

Find an Early Learning Resource Center near you

Pennsylvania Department of Human Services

Early Learning Resource Centers (ELRC) are the hub of child care information in your local area. An ELRC can provide you and your family with information on quality child care and personalized child care referrals to early childhood education programs based on your specific needs or preferences.

Support for families of children with disabilities

Pennsylvania Department of Education Bureau of Special Education

Parent centers are located around Pennsylvania to offer support for families of children with disabilities. Centers can help families understand their rights under IDEA, their children’s needs, and how to obtain appropriate services.

Pennsylvania's Early Intervention Program

PA Department of Education, Early Intervention

Children in Pennsylvania with developmental delays and disabilities benefit from a state-supported collaboration among families, service practitioners and others who work with young children. PA’s Early Intervention program provides support and services to families with children, from birth to age five.

PA Family Centers

PA Department of Human Services

PA Family Centers provide a number of family and community services such as family support and information groups, child health and development screenings, in-home child development sessions, and toy- and book-lending libraries.

Healthy Families America

Healthy Families America promotes child well-being and prevent the abuse and neglect of children through intensive home visiting.

Early Head Start

Early Head Start gives eligible pregnant women and families the skills they need to enhance their children’s growth from birth through age three. Early Head Start home-based services include weekly 90-minute home visits and two group socialization activities per month for families and their children. 

Postpartum Support International (PSI): Pennsylvania Supports

Postpartum Support International

PSI Coordinators and other area resources such as groups, telephone support, and reliable services that are available for no charge. Also list local events, training and volunteer opportunities.

Breastfed Babies Welcome Here! A Mother's Guide


This resource has information, tips and resources to help moms and babies prepare for breastfeeding options when your baby is in a child care program.

Get information on providing breastmilk to your baby when you go back to work or school; how to keep making enough milk when your baby is in child care; how to take breastmilk to the child care site; feeding breastmilk in a bottle; helping your child care program provide care for your breastfed baby and more!

PA’s Promise for Children

There are many factors that can influence the development of a baby during pregnancy and after birth. Until recently researchers knew little about the relationship between an pregnant mom’s mental health and how her baby’s brain would develop after it was born. Get information on how a families mental health can affect their baby, and resources to help support families.

Helping Parents be Parents

Pennsylvania Family Support Alliance (PFSA)

The Pennsylvania Family Support Alliance (PFSA) believes that families love their children and want to be the best caregiver they can be. Almost every family can benefit from gaining a better understanding of themselves, their family dynamics, and how they handle their emotions when it comes to parenting and disciplining children.

Parent to Parent of Pennsylvania

Parent to Parent of Pennsylvania

Connecting families of children & adults with special needs or disabilities who’ve had similar journeys.

Helps administer the following support programs: Early Intervention Infant Toddler and Early Intervention Preschool Direct Referral programs (EI Direct Referrals); Pediatric Therapy Professionals “Family Connection” program (PTP); Neonatal Intensive Care Parent Support programs (NICU’s); Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP- Trisomy 21 Parent Peer program and Pulmonary Hypoplasia program) and the Family Connections for Language and Learning program.

Brown Mamas

(Pittsburgh-based) Socializing  Black moms toward better well-being, health and economic outcomes.

PA 211

United Way of Pennsylvania

If you need to connect with resources in your community, but don’t know where to look, PA 211 is a great place to start. From help with a utilities bill, to housing assistance, after-school programs for kids, and more, you can dial 211 or text your zip code to 898-211 to talk with a resource specialist for free. Specialists will listen to your needs, and give you information on programs in your community that might be able to help.

Visit the search page to explore programs available in your community by categories such as financial assistance, housing, and food. You can also connect with a resource specialist via chat during business hours.

Dependent Children of Incarcerated Parents Work Group

Office of Children & Families in the Courts

The Dependent Children of Incarcerated Parents Workgroup, commissioned by the Pennsylvania State Roundtable was formally launched in September 2011 to develop recommendations about engagement of incarcerated parents in case planning, coordination and delivery of services, visitation, and hearing participation.

For Family and Friends

PA Department of Corrections

One of the major initiatives within the Department of Corrections (DOC) is improving the relationships between the inmates and their families.

Strengthening this connection provides a support system that not only helps inmates find success after prison, but can also offer healing to their families. Each prison offers free resource materials for families visiting the prison, providing information about healthcare, housing, education and other essential needs.

Resources for Caregivers of Children

PA Department on Aging

Significant life changes occur when a grandparent or relative assumes care of a child.  It can be challenging emotionally, legally, and financially.  Children may also experience emotional or behavioral issues and require additional support.  Connecting with related caregivers of children in similar situations often offers support.  

PA Kinship Navigator

Penn State Extension

The PA Kinship Navigator is Penn State Extension’s online database of programs, services, and resources available for kinship care families in Pennsylvania. Information is presented by county. Choose your county to view kinship programs in your area.

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