Levi is 21 months old and is a full-time daycare-attending toddler. Unlike most daycare students, he is quite shy and sometimes becomes very upset when I turn him over to the teachers for the day. However when Miss Tabby is there in the morning to greet Levi, my heart melts and I know everything will be okay!
Her and Levi have a special bond, and his eyes light up when he sees her. He heads straight for her, and even though its early in the morning, she greets him with the same enthusiasm. Though I don’t see their daily interaction, I know she cares for him, as she does all of her students, in a sense where she can recall every detail about his day, the good parts, the bad parts, how she helped calm him, how she loves when he cuddles with her during nap time, how she thinks she heard a few new words from him, describing his love for finger painting, singing, and dancing, etc, almost as if he is one of her own.
I want her, and her colleagues at Sunshine Kids, to know this sort of positive attitude and support does not go overlooked. We are so appreciative of the positive influences you have instilled in our young son.