This was Larry’s only year of preschool. He starts kindergarten this fall. We are confident our son is ready for kindergarten. We believe he is prepared for a classroom situation and has learned what is expected of him to start his new journey.
We are thankful for this opportunity Larry has had with PA Pre-K Counts. The teachers did a great job.
This was also Colton’s first year in preschool and he is the youngest of the three-year-olds. It has been exciting to watch him grow from a toddler to a preschooler. He seems to have become independent and confident. Colton likes Pre-K and has learned a lot. He is working on the classroom situation and with another year of preschool he will be prepared for kindergarten.
We appreciate Colton being part of the PA Pre-K counts. Ms. Lauren and Ms. Carol are to be commended.
Jessica L., Washington County