We are parents of special-needs twins who have greatly benefited from the PA Pre-K Counts program at the Forks YMCA Education Center and we would like to express our support and gratitude for the state’s sponsorship of this program. The program has played an instrumental role in the development of our children, and the change in our twins over the past two years has been dramatic.
They entered the PA Pre-K Counts program with delays that interfered with their ability to learn in a typical classroom setting. Now they are on target developmentally and poised to be successful kindergartners. When children receive the assistance they need early, they are more likely to succeed later and require fewer services as they progress throughout the educational system.
Our children are already proof of that. While in the PA Pre-K Counts program, their other state-funded special education services like speech therapy and occupational therapy decreased and the need for them has now been completely eliminated.
PA Pre-K Counts was instrumental in getting them to this stage, and we are so proud of them, and are so grateful for legislators who understand that by funding programs like PA Pre-K Counts now, we save on future costs.
Bret W. & Sharon J., Northampton County