Family Stories, Uncategorized, What's New|

This story was submitted by Kara T. of the Fulton County Family Partnership and published with permission of the family.

A 42-month old child, Samuel, born at 35 weeks gestation weighing 5lbs, diagnosed with Down syndrome, visual impairment, feeding difficulties, speech, developmental, learning, and motor/movement delays. Recently accomplishing milestones at 5-8 month language, 8-14 month cognitive, social/emotional, and approaches to learning. The family has been diligently working with Samuel and his mobility.

The family had Samuel focusing on his strength and mobility by the use of his walker they received from his therapy services, utilizing his walker for 45 minutes per day.

The family has had a parent educator since November 2018, and she has been an essential resource to the family. The support, guidance, reassurance, motivation, and confidence are a few of the things she has brought into the home.

At this present time, Samuel was able to be outdoors recently where his mother mentioned it is his “happy place!” Samuel was standing straight up while his mother would hold onto both his hands for only slight support. His original diagnosis deemed this an impossibility for him.

Mom is amazed with his successes and achievements. This is a HUGE SUCCESS and milestone for Samuel. He is continually achieving with the support and guidance.

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