Equity means an effort or strategy to ensure all who need services have access to and an understanding of opportunities. It may include treating everyone with equal respect and care, regardless of socioeconomic status, race, class, culture, gender, sexual orientation, ability/disability, language, national origin, indigenous heritage, religion, or other identities.


What’s the Difference? Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging

Diversity recognizes the varied experiences and backgrounds of those who are similar.

Inclusion is inviting individuals from varying backgrounds to participate in the work. Inclusion requires action in which all participants can connect, engage, collaborate, and contribute to space and consider individual uniqueness.

Equity recognizes that not everyone comes from the same starting place. Regardless of someone’s identity or financial background, assistance may be needed in different and unique ways.

Belonging keeps participants engaged and active in the group. Belonging creates the space for individuals to feel valued and respected as they bring their diverse experiences and suggestions.

Early childhood education programs that are aware of and practice diversity, inclusion, equity, and belonging can create a welcoming and valuable experience for staff, children, and families.

Adapted from The Pennsylvania Key


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